For any factory producing product, there has to be a heart or an engine that’s pushing it. Houston producer Jrag2x is for sure one of the pistons in the TSF circle who gets things going. He’s the man behind one of the players anthems “2 Legited 2 Quited”, Hits like the “Brothers Testimony” and so much more to name. If he’s made those beats, we can classify him as a platinum producer.
His reign of production has not come to an end nor is it limited to TSF. As said in his IG bio, he’s currently upgraded his services to Mobile studio on the Go. For those who record and write in their car, it would be even wiser to hit him up for some studio time. That’s platinum production and quality recording all in one on the go. What more can you ask for ?
Heres a few more of Jrag2x’s production credits, tune in and make a decision