Keepin Focus And Trusting The Process


The Money fast cars bad gals and the jewelry. We all want so much, but I think how fast we plan on getting it, is just foolery. It’s so easy to get caught up in the flashy thangs these days. From new whips to new bracelets taking trips to foreign places. Don’t get me wrong , being able to afford and indulge in such things is the luxury of life mane, ya boy most def having a slice of the pie. But the excessive dissatisfaction with not being content with what we have now is causing a lot of us to not trust the process. 

The average time a person spends on the gram is an hour a day. Mind you that’s only Instagram. We got twitter and the new attention whore tik tok. Users log on to tik Tok and get lost for hours because of how easy it is, just by the swipe of a finger you see some new random content, (im users).  At the same time with all this overload of content, we know it’s still being used for good, like promoting businesses, building a connection with other important people, or giving people a face without them ever being present in real life. 


when creating these social media platforms, the developers installed the weapon that either kills you or builds you called algorithm. The algorithm monitors your activities on the platform to understand your niche and favorite things. Algorithms get smarter and smarter daily, from everyone using their phone 24/7 searching for ways to feed you more and more of what it believes you wanna see. This will keep us as a society under the same cycle day in and day out if you let it feed you bullshit. 

I know it’s cliche to say we’re stuck in the matrix but we got to understand, Every second you spend scrolling through media, whatever post you interact with the most, wether that be a bawlers lifestyle, or a famous YouTuber traveling around the world. The algorithm builds and fills your timeline with content that you’ve proven you indulge in or even speak about. For some people who are business driven and watch things like how to compound your money over a period of time and things along that fine line, the algorithm for them turns out to be their best-friend. But for the ones who watch and envy or mourn for the bawler lifestyle are pretty misguided to think that the persons success happened overnight.

 With the way new technology is developing at light years that’s never been seen before, our phones listen to our conversations without us asking, keying in on everything we talk about. You want a new car, new shoes, new house, new clothes, the phone listens. With all this listening, our phones go to work by placing ads on your Instagram feed, YouTube feed, twitter, etc, giving you links to each specific niche it knows you indulge in.  

The algorithm can be extremely beneficial to someone who sells houses for a living, providing them with more options and views to choose from. But for someone who’s battling with insecurities thinking more material things will get their crush to fall for them or get more options is mistaken. Its about what’s on the inside of you that matters jack. you can add accessories to The outside to enhance what’s in. 

What we fail to realize is that most of the time whoever we see, listen to or admire, they aint just start that journey to where they are now. That journey been in the making for 3 to 5 years. They didn’t just wake up and start netting 500k a year. They put in the grind daily, going to work consistently even when there was no drive to wanna work. Running a side hustle to produce passive income to begin funding the life they want. It’s  the discipline, thats whats gotten them to where they are now. The ability to stay committed is the fine line between success and the average man. 

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